This Blogbot will grow...


A – Admire:  Who do you really admire? Why do you think they are so fantastic?

B – Best:  What would be the best thing to collect? If you could have a collection of anything at all what would it be and why?

C – Clouds: When you look at the clouds, gazing at their fantastic shapes, what are some of the things you find yourself thinking?

D – Don’t: Who do you hear the most don’ts from? Is it your parents, teachers or perhaps your brothers or sisters? Does it bother you at all?

E – Easy: You want to make life easy for someone. Describe what it is you would do or make, and who you have chosen to help.

F – Families: To tell how you feel about the members of your family. Describe them.

G – Gastronome: What is your favourite food? What sends shivers of delight down your spine at the very thought of it? Why?

H – Helper: If you could be someone’s helper, whose helper would you be? What would your duties be?

I – If: If you were only a metre tall, there would certainly be some new things you could do. What are they? Are there any problems in being so small? What would be good?

J – Junk: You have been told to get rid of all the junk in your room. What is seen as junk that you call absolutely useful? Describe some good examples.

K – Know: What are some of the things in this world that you want to know everything about?

L – Love: Describe someone you love very much. Explain why they are so precious to you.

M – Memory: What is your favourite memory? Why is it so special for you?

N – Name: If you could change your name, what would you change it to and why?

O – Only: Only one thing of yours can you keep. You must throw the rest away. What would you keep and why?

P – Proud: What are the things you have done in your life that make you positively glow with pride? Describe one of them.

Q – Quick: You have to be quick! You have to dispose of a million dollars in one day without giving it away or destroying it. Describe how you manage to do it.

R – Rules: What are some of the rules you would write for your parents to follow? Would they be any different to rules for your brothers and sisters?

S – Sorcery: If you were a magician and could change into something or someone else, who or what would you change into and why?

T – Truth: You have a limited supply of truth serum. You have chosen to give it to someone. Who did you choose and why? What happened?

U – Underwater: What would it be like to live underwater? Describe how you could manage it.

V – Victory: Tell about the time you enjoyed a victory. Why was it so satisfying?

W – Wishes: Which wishes would you like to come true?

X – X-ray: Now that you have x-ray eyes, what can you see? Is your life easier now? What are some of the hassles that your new eyes bring? Is it easy to sit in class?

Y – Yuk: What things make you want to throw up – when you have to do them or perhaps when you see them?

Z – Zylabot – Hooray!! You have just received a zylabot as a present. First of all, what is it? What is its purpose? Describe this wondrous thing. Perhaps you could draw a picture too!


'Australians say emojis [are] better at expressing feelings than words'. How are you feeling? How are you feeling today? How were you feeling yesterday? How do you think you will be feeling tomorrow?

TASK: Create an emoji poster using a minimum of 9 emojis to outline how you have been feeling at times.

(Inside Out support activity)