Monday 7 September 2015

Setting up your blogbot

1. Access your school e-mail to receive your invite to your space

2. You will need to develop your school blogbot profile:

  • For this webspace you will use your school cases code. As a BART award you may be able to change it to a fun but appropriate for school internet handle/name. Think about some names you would like to use for this?

  • You  will need to design an avatar to present as your blogbot image. This can change as you choose but must also be appropriate for school. At this stage use DoppelMe to develop your first blogbot/Google account avatar.
  • Add other details to your blogbot as interests you. However, note well, your blogbot is a school based space for school based stuff. This means you will not use surnames or addresses of places in your posts without prior approval. Be security conscious folks!

  • Finally, be patient as we figure out how to set up the display of some information on your space. Some stuff will be easy for you as an author of your page but some stuff will need teacher assistance and approvals.
Let the force of the blogbot be with you. Value learning and strive for success through belonging, achievement, respect and teamwork.

To access your school e-mail:

Email at home hosted by MSC

Every student in the College has access to an e-mail account established by us when they enrol. These email accounts can be used at school and at home, and are useful for transferring homework to and from the College. Each student’s personal login number is attached to @__________________. A MSC student with a login of abc1234 would have an email that looks like this – abc1234@________________. These emails can be read via the Internet at the College, at home or at a local library, they are for use by the student the entire time they are enrolled at the College.
Go to a favourite browser and type in the address __________________ to see these email accounts away from the College. The password for the account will be the one the student uses at the College.

You got mail!

Sunday 6 September 2015


1. Sign up to web spaces via your school e-mail as much as possible, e.g.,

2. If you need to set up with a g-mail or other e-mail for school, sign up using you school logon, e.g., If your username is taken vary it by one of the following:
a. msc
b. msc1
c. ms
d. ms1
e. _msc
f. atmsc

3. Use your student school logon as your username, e.g., abc123. If you logon is taken in a web space vary it by one of the following:
a. msc
b. msc1
c. ms
d. ms1
e. _msc
f. atmsc

(You must not use your first and last names or nicknames for school based accounts, save these for your personal use and work in the future. If a sign up process asks for your first and last name simply enter your school username for both).

4. When you create passwords for different accounts, put in place practices to remember them. Keep them in a private document if you have to write them down. You need to apply secret agent stealth to protecting your passwords.

5. If you are asked to use a web space you have already joined in another class, you will use the account you have already created. There is no need to sign up from scratch – just sign in, accept invites and/or join spaces as needed with the already registered account.

6. Finally, and most importantly, as per our school enrolment and code of conduct, we will use school based social networking sites and other online related applications respectfully for educational purposes and only as directed by our teachers. Our 'Information Communications Technology (ICT) Acceptable Use Agreement' outlines the expectations clearly. It is important to always act responsibly online.

It's a wild web world out there kiddos. Use your secret agent stealths to handle it. Listen to your parents and your teachers and always use digital identity smarts!

Design a cover page for the current year

You will working with your blogbot throughout your school career. Each year will develop a new showcase of your learning from throughout the year. There will be an emphasis on using this space to develop your journal and writing pieces from English, but you will also be able to present highlight pieces of learning and work from any other subject area you like.

So you can identify between each year of work you will be required to design a cover page. The cover page can be created in a variety of ways but it must include:

- The year, e.g., 2015
- Your year level, e.g., Year 7
- A list of the subjects you are studying during the year
- Visuals related to things you like or are interested in
- Descriptions/explanations of what you have included to represent you on your cover